Streamline the Creation and Management of Your SDS

Guidance for your Safety Data Sheets while adhering to GHS/CLP rules.

Obtain compliant Safety Data Sheets and facilitate their management

By combining regulatory expertise and a software solution, optimize your processes for creating and managing SDS/SDSe, comply with classification and labeling rules, and establish a strategic plan for notifying poison control centers.

Complete management of your Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Our services:

  • Collection and verification of SDS compliance (verification of regulatory format and content, including product classification and labelling)
  • Document management and provision of SDS/SDSe
  • Extraction of content from your Safety Data Sheets to create simplified SDS or job safety sheets, as desired
  • Monitoring and Updating: to ensure compliance with your SDS portfolio

To oversee your entire SDS management process, don't forget to visit our page dedicated to our specialized SDS Management software.

Gestion FDS
Fiche de Donnée de Sécurité

Simplified creation of your Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Whether you're a manufacturer, importer or distributor of chemical products, a product's SDS is a key element in hazard communication throughout the supply chain. Your SDSs will be adapted in line with the requirements of the countries in which they are placed on the market, whether inside or outside Europe:

  • Creation of your SDS according to the applicable GHS (CLP in Europe, OSHA in the US, ...)
  • Drafting of your extended SDSs through the development and multilingual translation of your exposure scenarios using CSRs or existing scenarios
  • Translation into the country's official language(s) (over 50 languages available)
  • Creation of labels according to local GHS requirements
  • Mention of appropriate emergency numbers
  • Indication of national occupational exposure limit values

Notification to Poison Control Centers for your substances (PCN)

Under Article 45 of Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP), importers and downstream users of mixtures classified as hazardous to human health or due to their physical effects are required to declare these mixtures to the national authorities.

  • Generation of UFIs
  • Declarations according to country of marketing on ECHA's PCN portal
  • If required, regulatory analysis of the conformity of your labels and SDSs prior to the generation of your declarations; implementation of a strategy for assigning your UFI codes according to your products and target markets, grouping your products together to reduce your notification costs, etc.
Substances dangereuses
Logiciel traçabilité substance

Associated software

Control your risk management to ensure operational compliance!

Outils laboratoire chimie

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Outsource the creation and management of your Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to EcoMundo, specialists in this field for over 20 years!
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