Regulatory Services for Your REACH Authorizations

Alternatives to anticipate the restrictions on the use of your critical substances and ensure the sustainability of your business.

Secure Your Files to Obtain Authorization for All Your Hazardous Substances

EcoMundo has developed a unique methodology aimed at optimizing the capacity of Authorization requests to meet the deadlines set by European authorities.

Services for Stakeholders Subject to REACH Authorization

Any downstream user of substances listed in Annex XIV of REACH is obligated to submit an authorization request for the relevant substances. The main sectors affected by REACH authorization include Aerospace, Defense, Automotive, Medical Devices, Electronics, Chemical Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Textile Industry, Leather Industry, Agri-food Industry, Cosmetic Industry, Construction Industry, etc.
analyse chimie
evaluation chimiste

Management and Creation of REACH Authorization Files

The preparation of an Authorization request requires the production of three complementary documents:

  • Chemical Safety Report: What are the risks (hazards and exposures) associated with the use of the substance?
  • Alternatives Analysis: What alternatives are feasible, and what is the required time for substitution?
  • Socio-Economic Analysis: What are the economic impacts of using the substance compared to its prohibition?

EcoMundo is proud of its success, as 100% of Authorization requests submitted since 2015 have received recommendations for the exact review period requested by our clients, including "long" periods of 12 years.

Consortium or Joint Submission Management

A REACH Authorization request in a consortium or joint submission optimizes costs and resources. However, our experts validate the eligibility of uses and other parameters in a single joint submission. 
• Create or join a consortium to produce a joint
• Authorization request for multiple entities
• Optimize costs and resources by leveraging the synergies of each submitter's uses
• Protect the confidentiality of information for each member of the group
• Benefit from our close collaboration with ECHA experts
• Rely on our extensive experience to implement the best regulatory strategy
gestion projet
verification conformité

Post-Authorization Compliance

Once the REACH authorization is granted by European authorities, you must be able to demonstrate the compliance of your activities with the Authorization conditions in case of inspection by national authorities (DREAL):

  • Diagnosis of your compliance with the conditions and risk management measures of the submitted file
  • Update of Authorization File documents
  • Support for the implementation of risk management measures
  • Renewal of the Authorization File (Review Report)

Anticipation & Regulatory Monitoring

Leveraging our expertise in compliance and knowledge of the regulatory framework related to the use of chemical substances, we provide an anticipatory risk management service for obsolescence in your industrial processes due to substance regulations.

  • Assistance for Responding to Public Consultations Initiated by Authorities
  • Continuous monitoring of the regulatory evolution of your critical substances
  • Anticipate obsolescence of your products and processes.
  • Prioritization study on the regulatory trajectory of a critical substance
  • Market study on the uses of a critical substance within the supply chain (Supply Chain Mapping)
chimiste recherche
Audit formation ecomundo

REACH Diagnosis & Training

The REACH Authorization diagnosis allows you to assess the need and feasibility of the process before deciding to undertake a REACH Authorization request.

  • Analysis of your situation regarding REACH Authorization.
  • "Go / No go" on the preparation of an Authorization request file.
  • Definition of the strategic path to prioritize in the Authorization request file.
  • Estimation of the necessary means and resources.
  • REACH training to enhance the REACH skills of your employees.

Client Quote

The responsiveness of EcoMundo's teams, particularly during contacts with ECHA committees, has been very strong.

Safety & Environment

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Frequently asked questions

What is a REACH Authorization, and when is it necessary?


A REACH Authorization is a regulatory approval issued by the European Union for the use of particularly hazardous chemical substances (SVHC- Substances of Very High Concern). It is necessary when these substances are present in products beyond specified thresholds, and no safer alternative is available. Authorization aims to ensure strict control and encourage the substitution of the most dangerous substances with less harmful alternatives. The authorization list is included in Annex XIV of REACH and is available on the ECHA website.

How to obtain a REACH Authorization?


To obtain a REACH Authorization, a company must submit a request to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). This request must demonstrate that the use of the chemical substance is necessary, that risks are controlled, and that the search for alternatives is ongoing. ECHA evaluates the request in collaboration with EU member states before making a decision on authorization.

What are the alternatives to substances subject to REACH Authorization?


Alternatives to substances subject to REACH Authorization are replacement solutions that pose lower risks to human health and the environment. Companies are encouraged to actively seek and adopt replacement substances when possible, promoting a transition to safer options. This approach helps reduce dependence on concerning chemical substances and promotes sustainability in chemical use.

Obtain authorization for all your Annex XIV substances with EcoMundo experts!
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