Modular Solution for Cosmetics Compliance
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Secure your regulatory documents for each zone
Optimize on-site risk management
Manage your Safety Data Sheets efficiently
Automate your regulatory monitoring
Ensure the traceability of your substances
Maintain good HSE risk management
This webinar will help you understand your specific obligations under UK REACH, ensuring that you are compliant with UK REACH requirements.
Recevez une fois par mois les dernières actus réglementaires et conseils d’experts.
Explore the core principles of REACH, a key European Union regulation aimed at protecting human health and the environment from the risks posed by chemical substances.
EcoMundo is proud to present REACH Tour, a tour on which you will get to visit and understand the different REACH regulations around the world.
Join us for a comprehensive webinar titled “The ABCs of the UK REACH” where we delve into the essentials of this new regulation post-Brexit. Similar to EU REACH, UK REACH has brought about significant changes in chemical regulations. Our goal is to provide clarity on the current landscape, explore the nuances of DUIN (Downstream User Import Notification), and discuss the process of full registration and NRES (New Registration of an Existing Substance)
In this webinar, we delve into the essence of REACH, a pivotal European Union regulation designed to safeguard both human health and the environment from the risks associated with chemical substances. It establishes procedures for the collection and evaluation of information on the properties and hazards of chemical substances.