Modular Solution for Cosmetics Compliance
Check the Conformity of your Formulas
Secure your regulatory documents for each zone
Optimize on-site risk management
Manage your Safety Data Sheets efficiently
Automate your regulatory monitoring
Ensure the traceability of your substances
Maintain good HSE risk management
The UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is seeking public input on the Alternative Transitional Registration Model (ATRm) to ease the chemical industry's transition to UK REACH, aiming to cut costs and improve regulatory effectiveness. Deadline: July 11, 2024.
Recevez une fois par mois les dernières actus réglementaires et conseils d’experts.
Discover the essentials of the EU's REACH regulation for chemical safety. Learn about registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction processes.
Discover the latest updates on ECHA's REACH registration requirements, new substances added to the candidate list, and non-animal test methods in the EU.
ECHA is harmonizing its data submission platforms, merging REACH-IT, ePIC, R4BP 3, and SCIP by 2026. Learn how EcoMundo can assist with this transition.
Explore the regulation of nanoforms under REACH, their unique properties, and how EcoMundo can assist in their identification and characterization.
Discover the essentials of REACH Fertiliser regulation, its impact on EU markets, and how it promotes sustainable fertilisation practices. Learn more now!
Defra proposes a 3-year extension for UK REACH registration deadlines. Learn about the options, impacts, and how to manage your compliance effectively.