Modular Solution for Cosmetics Compliance
Check the Conformity of your Formulas
Secure your regulatory documents for each zone
Optimize on-site risk management
Manage your Safety Data Sheets efficiently
Automate your regulatory monitoring
Ensure the traceability of your substances
Maintain good HSE risk management
The PPWR introduces goals to prevent waste generation, promote recycling, and encourage the reuse of packaging. EcoMundo explains everything you need to know.
Recevez une fois par mois les dernières actus réglementaires et conseils d’experts.
Join the Ecodesign and Energy Labeling Forum! Help shape European policies on sustainability, ecodesign & energy labeling. Composition of Ecodesign forum.
Discover the ESPR framework: a key EU regulation promoting sustainable product design, reducing emissions, and enhancing circular economy practices.
Explore the definition, regulations, and classifications of CMR substances (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic) and their impact on health and the environment.
Discover how the OECD's guidelines and PEPPER projects enhance chemical safety testing, focusing on endocrine disruptors and environmental impact assessments.
Explore the EU's environmental policies, including the Green Deal and key regulations like REACH and CLP, to ensure sustainable growth and compliance.
What is the occupational exposure limit value (OEL) for cobalt compounds and its inorganic compounds? What is the CLP classification of cobalt compounds?