REACH 2018: the United Kingdom wants to maintain a high level of business compliance



Compliance projects for REACH 2018



The deadline for REACH 2018 is near


As of June 2018, companies that import or produce chemical substances on the European market in quantities of between 1 and 100 tonnes per year that have not filed a registration file with ECHA will be prohibited from accessing the market.

In order to help UK businesses make this transition, the UK's REACH authorities are going to put in place a number of projects focusing on the registration deadline. The bodies concerned include the British Department for the Environment (Defra) and the United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Support projects for REACH 2018

These projects include research, analysis and targeting of issues, building capacity, communication and tools available for SMEs. For example, they include an analysis of pre-registrations identified by ECHA, as well as a survey of companies concerning their intentions in terms of REACH registration.

These projects aim to ensure that chemical manufacturers and importers are aware of their regulatory obligations and that businesses understand the need to anticipate the deadline and work as a group to share data and costs.

SMEs will receive particular attention as they will most likely make up the largest portion of registrations.

Another objective is to minimize the number of animal tests commissioned and to promote alternative test methods, by providing an understanding of the issues by laboratories and pre-registrants.


The establishment of a REACH 2018 sub-group



In addition to the projects carried out by the British competent authorities, a sub-group for the 2018 REACH registration was formed from Chemicals Stakeholder Forum. The purpose of this subgroup is to help identify substances and sectors where the most likely risks would be likely to occur.


They therefore carried out a survey in August 2016 among the professional associations and companies concerned. The questions covered a variety of topics:

  • The company's knowledge of the potential or effective vulnerability of its sectors of activity, products or substances
  • Ways to identify this vulnerability (also downstream of the company's supply chain)
  • The means that could be implemented by the competent authorities to assist in this identification
  • The help that competent authorities and/or ECHA could provide to minimize animal testing, with regard to the tests requested by the REACH registration procedure


The results of the questionnaire, which closed on 25 August 2016, have not yet been published.



Do you have questions about the REACH registration procedures?



You can consult our REACH registration page if you have questions about how to submit a dossier. You can also ask us your questions directly at; or at +33 (0) 1 83 64 20 54 for Europe, or + 1 (778) 231-1607 for North America.



Compliance projects for REACH 2018



The deadline for REACH 2018 is near


As of June 2018, companies that import or produce chemical substances on the European market in quantities of between 1 and 100 tonnes per year that have not filed a registration file with ECHA will be prohibited from accessing the market.

In order to help UK businesses make this transition, the UK's REACH authorities are going to put in place a number of projects focusing on the registration deadline. The bodies concerned include the British Department for the Environment (Defra) and the United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Support projects for REACH 2018

These projects include research, analysis and targeting of issues, building capacity, communication and tools available for SMEs. For example, they include an analysis of pre-registrations identified by ECHA, as well as a survey of companies concerning their intentions in terms of REACH registration.

These projects aim to ensure that chemical manufacturers and importers are aware of their regulatory obligations and that businesses understand the need to anticipate the deadline and work as a group to share data and costs.

SMEs will receive particular attention as they will most likely make up the largest portion of registrations.

Another objective is to minimize the number of animal tests commissioned and to promote alternative test methods, by providing an understanding of the issues by laboratories and pre-registrants.


The establishment of a REACH 2018 sub-group



In addition to the projects carried out by the British competent authorities, a sub-group for the 2018 REACH registration was formed from Chemicals Stakeholder Forum. The purpose of this subgroup is to help identify substances and sectors where the most likely risks would be likely to occur.


They therefore carried out a survey in August 2016 among the professional associations and companies concerned. The questions covered a variety of topics:

  • The company's knowledge of the potential or effective vulnerability of its sectors of activity, products or substances
  • Ways to identify this vulnerability (also downstream of the company's supply chain)
  • The means that could be implemented by the competent authorities to assist in this identification
  • The help that competent authorities and/or ECHA could provide to minimize animal testing, with regard to the tests requested by the REACH registration procedure


The results of the questionnaire, which closed on 25 August 2016, have not yet been published.



Do you have questions about the REACH registration procedures?



You can consult our REACH registration page if you have questions about how to submit a dossier. You can also ask us your questions directly at; or at +33 (0) 1 83 64 20 54 for Europe, or + 1 (778) 231-1607 for North America.