European Commission consultation: progress report


Before the official report, here are first few elements that have emerged.

Not only did competent authorities from Member States participate but civil society organisations and Industry representatives such as CEFIC and Nanotechnology Industries Association also took part in the debate.

As expected, the debate was characterised by diametrically opposed positions. French authorities and NGOs favour the most demanding option � detailed registration dossier, burden of proof and additional measures aiming to reduce uncertainties, as for industry federations, they favoured the most flexible option, arguing the need to maintain competition and innovation within companies.

The consultation�s organisation was highly criticised by the participants. The chosen format (multiple choice questions) did not allow the participants to express their opinion in a clear and detailed way. Some National authorities, of which France, also complained about the Commission�s lack of interest in furthering nanomaterial regulation and finding a cross-cutting approach.

Before the official report, here are first few elements that have emerged.

Not only did competent authorities from Member States participate but civil society organisations and Industry representatives such as CEFIC and Nanotechnology Industries Association also took part in the debate.

As expected, the debate was characterised by diametrically opposed positions. French authorities and NGOs favour the most demanding option � detailed registration dossier, burden of proof and additional measures aiming to reduce uncertainties, as for industry federations, they favoured the most flexible option, arguing the need to maintain competition and innovation within companies.

The consultation�s organisation was highly criticised by the participants. The chosen format (multiple choice questions) did not allow the participants to express their opinion in a clear and detailed way. Some National authorities, of which France, also complained about the Commission�s lack of interest in furthering nanomaterial regulation and finding a cross-cutting approach.