Suppliers of articles containing SVHCs - Substances of Very High Concern - as described below will need to start submitting information on the SCIP database, created by ECHA, starting on 5th January 2021. From this date on, the following information will need to be uploaded in the database:
EcoMundo, with its SVHC Factory software, allows you to ensure the traceability of SVHCs all along your supply chain. More information here.
Suppliers of articles containing SVHC at more than 0.1% weight by weight will be affected by this as follows:
It should be noted that retailers providing articles directly to consumers are not required to submit information to ECHA.
In September 2019, ECHA published the details of the required information to be provided in SCIP database - Substances of Concern In articles, as such or in complex objects (Products). Scheduled for October 2020, the database should see its first prototype released in the first quarter of this year.
The aim of this initiative is to make available for all the information concerning substances of very high concern contained in articles. In particular, this information will be structured to optimise the access and use firstly for waste operators and consumers, but also for the various actors of the supply chain, NGOs, and authorities.
This database is the second of its kind to be created in Europe. The first, the LIFE AskREACH project, is led by NGOs and has therefore no other binding power than that of the consumers� requests. For this reason, it relies entirely on the individual wills to know the composition of purchased articles.
On the contrary, SCIP database makes it mandatory for concerned actors to provide the required information, starting in January 2021. After the prototype is released, companies will have a little less than a year to familiarise themselves with the tool.
Suppliers of articles containing SVHCs - Substances of Very High Concern - as described below will need to start submitting information on the SCIP database, created by ECHA, starting on 5th January 2021. From this date on, the following information will need to be uploaded in the database:
EcoMundo, with its SVHC Factory software, allows you to ensure the traceability of SVHCs all along your supply chain. More information here.
Suppliers of articles containing SVHC at more than 0.1% weight by weight will be affected by this as follows:
It should be noted that retailers providing articles directly to consumers are not required to submit information to ECHA.
In September 2019, ECHA published the details of the required information to be provided in SCIP database - Substances of Concern In articles, as such or in complex objects (Products). Scheduled for October 2020, the database should see its first prototype released in the first quarter of this year.
The aim of this initiative is to make available for all the information concerning substances of very high concern contained in articles. In particular, this information will be structured to optimise the access and use firstly for waste operators and consumers, but also for the various actors of the supply chain, NGOs, and authorities.
This database is the second of its kind to be created in Europe. The first, the LIFE AskREACH project, is led by NGOs and has therefore no other binding power than that of the consumers� requests. For this reason, it relies entirely on the individual wills to know the composition of purchased articles.
On the contrary, SCIP database makes it mandatory for concerned actors to provide the required information, starting in January 2021. After the prototype is released, companies will have a little less than a year to familiarise themselves with the tool.