REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals and also includes restrictions applicable to these substances.
The registration process is based on the concept: �no data, no market�. According to the European Chemical Agency called ECHA: �Companies are responsible for collecting information on the properties and uses of the substances they manufacture or import above one tonne a year. They also have to assess the hazards and potential risks presented by the substance.� Please note ECHA�s principle: �One substance = one registration�.
If you�re not yet compliant with the REACH regulation, exporting your products to the European market becomes tricky, not to say impossible in certain supply chains.
The REACH registration process requires EU manufacturers and importers of chemicals to submit a registration dossier to ECHA when they place more than 1 metric tonne per year of a chemical on the EU market. The REACH dossier includes information on substances such as physical and chemical properties, effects on human health, effects on environment and the evaluations which prove the above statements .
If you're a non-European manufacturer/exporter, and you want to market your chemicals (either on their own or contained in mixtures) on the European market, you can comply with REACH and take part in the registration process just like a European company by appointing an "Only Representative" (OR). The OR will make contact with the SIEF, the Lead Registrant or the Consortium of the substance to be registered, prepare the registration dossier and represent the interests of his client before the European authorities. The role of the OR is to ensure full REACH compliance and endorse all legal responsibilities on behalf of the non-EU company.
Please note that the REACH registration process is paperless since everything is done through the REACH-IT portal set up by ECHA. Note that this portal is accessible to EU companies and ORs only
Who must register?
*chemicals on their own, in mixtures, raw materials or products
What must be registered?
All the chemicals that are placed on the EU market above 1 tonne per year.
NB: You must not register the mixture itself nor the finished product but the chemicals that are contained in them. The chemical to be registered can be a substance on its own, or can be a substance found in a raw material or found in a finished formula, e.g. a paint.
Article 74 of EC 1907/2006 REACH regulation defines fees and charges. The registration costs will depend on the tonnage of your substances but also on the size of your company. However, paragraph 2 of that article states: �A fee need not be paid for a registration of a substance in a quantity of between 1 and 10 tonnes where the registration dossier contains the full information in Annex VII.�
All fees are in euros (EUR)
NB: A registration must be within a joint submission when the same substance is manufactured or placed on the market by more than one company.
Individual submissionJoint submissionFee for substances in a quantity of between 1 and 10 tonnes�1,739�1,304Fee for substances in a quantity of between 10 and 100 tonnes�4,674�3,506Fee for substances in a quantity between 100 and 1000 tonnes�12,501�9,376Fee for substances in quantities greater than 1 000 tonnes�33,699�25,274
Please note that discounts exist for micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) during registration. The discount percentages granted by the European Commission according to the size of the structure are as follows:
Also within a SIEF you will have to pay the Letter of Acess(LoA) to access the information collected by other members. These costs vary and depend on the size of the SIEF and the number of necessary studies. It is important to note that you only pay the fee for the required data of your own registration.
For more information, feel free to request a quote:
The regulation provides three registration periods depending on the tonnage. 2018 is the third and last registration phase. It concerns lower tonnages ranging from 1 to 100 tonnes/year. Due to the low tonnage, mainly micro small and medium companies will be affected by the registration.
Late pre-registration: should be done via REACH-IT portal
Passed this deadline, you may ask for an inquiry dossier instead of a late pre-registration
The registration process takes between a few weeks to a few months. EcoMundo�s experts recommend starting the registration procedure as soon as possible. Indeed, required assessments can take time over the normal period of examination of the application. Also, each year the Lead Registrant can increase the costs of the Letter of Access. To comply with the REACH regulation and avoid hanging your activity, start your REACH 2018 registration as early as possible.
REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals and also includes restrictions applicable to these substances.
The registration process is based on the concept: �no data, no market�. According to the European Chemical Agency called ECHA: �Companies are responsible for collecting information on the properties and uses of the substances they manufacture or import above one tonne a year. They also have to assess the hazards and potential risks presented by the substance.� Please note ECHA�s principle: �One substance = one registration�.
If you�re not yet compliant with the REACH regulation, exporting your products to the European market becomes tricky, not to say impossible in certain supply chains.
The REACH registration process requires EU manufacturers and importers of chemicals to submit a registration dossier to ECHA when they place more than 1 metric tonne per year of a chemical on the EU market. The REACH dossier includes information on substances such as physical and chemical properties, effects on human health, effects on environment and the evaluations which prove the above statements .
If you're a non-European manufacturer/exporter, and you want to market your chemicals (either on their own or contained in mixtures) on the European market, you can comply with REACH and take part in the registration process just like a European company by appointing an "Only Representative" (OR). The OR will make contact with the SIEF, the Lead Registrant or the Consortium of the substance to be registered, prepare the registration dossier and represent the interests of his client before the European authorities. The role of the OR is to ensure full REACH compliance and endorse all legal responsibilities on behalf of the non-EU company.
Please note that the REACH registration process is paperless since everything is done through the REACH-IT portal set up by ECHA. Note that this portal is accessible to EU companies and ORs only
Who must register?
*chemicals on their own, in mixtures, raw materials or products
What must be registered?
All the chemicals that are placed on the EU market above 1 tonne per year.
NB: You must not register the mixture itself nor the finished product but the chemicals that are contained in them. The chemical to be registered can be a substance on its own, or can be a substance found in a raw material or found in a finished formula, e.g. a paint.
Article 74 of EC 1907/2006 REACH regulation defines fees and charges. The registration costs will depend on the tonnage of your substances but also on the size of your company. However, paragraph 2 of that article states: �A fee need not be paid for a registration of a substance in a quantity of between 1 and 10 tonnes where the registration dossier contains the full information in Annex VII.�
All fees are in euros (EUR)
NB: A registration must be within a joint submission when the same substance is manufactured or placed on the market by more than one company.
Individual submissionJoint submissionFee for substances in a quantity of between 1 and 10 tonnes�1,739�1,304Fee for substances in a quantity of between 10 and 100 tonnes�4,674�3,506Fee for substances in a quantity between 100 and 1000 tonnes�12,501�9,376Fee for substances in quantities greater than 1 000 tonnes�33,699�25,274
Please note that discounts exist for micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) during registration. The discount percentages granted by the European Commission according to the size of the structure are as follows:
Also within a SIEF you will have to pay the Letter of Acess(LoA) to access the information collected by other members. These costs vary and depend on the size of the SIEF and the number of necessary studies. It is important to note that you only pay the fee for the required data of your own registration.
For more information, feel free to request a quote:
The regulation provides three registration periods depending on the tonnage. 2018 is the third and last registration phase. It concerns lower tonnages ranging from 1 to 100 tonnes/year. Due to the low tonnage, mainly micro small and medium companies will be affected by the registration.
Late pre-registration: should be done via REACH-IT portal
Passed this deadline, you may ask for an inquiry dossier instead of a late pre-registration
The registration process takes between a few weeks to a few months. EcoMundo�s experts recommend starting the registration procedure as soon as possible. Indeed, required assessments can take time over the normal period of examination of the application. Also, each year the Lead Registrant can increase the costs of the Letter of Access. To comply with the REACH regulation and avoid hanging your activity, start your REACH 2018 registration as early as possible.